Here is the audio of the Remembrance Service held by the Watford GCI Congregation on 10 November 2024. James Henderson gave the Sermon entitled, God Does Not Forget:
Here is the audio of the Remembrance Service held by the Watford GCI Congregation on 10 November 2024. James Henderson gave the Sermon entitled, God Does Not Forget:
This is the audio of the Watford Congregation Communion Service on 3 November, led by John Stettaford:
Here is the audio of the Watford Congregation Sermon on 3 November 2024 given by Kevin Harris called Christ is Truly Worthy:
Here is the audio for the Sermon in the Watford Congregation on 27 October 2024 given by Barry Robinson on Having Confidence in the Supremacy and Adequacy of Christ:
Below is the Sermon from Watford Congregation on 13 October, given by Gavin Henderson on God’s Word–Sharper Than A Two-Edged Sword:
The Sermon on 6 October for the Watford Congregation was given by Kevin Harris, entitled You Are Here: The Communion Service was led by John Stettaford:
Here is the audio of the Sermon in Watford on 15 September 2024. The Sermon was given by James Henderson about Controlling Our Tongues:
Here are the Sermon and the Communion from the Watford Service on 1 September 2024. The Sermon was given by Kevin Harris on ‘Honouring God With Our Hearts’ and the Communion was led by John Stettaford:
This is the audio of the Sermon in Watford on 25 August given by Barry Robinson on Spiritual Armour.
This is the audio of the Sermon in Watford on 11 August 2024, given by Barry Robinson on God’s Calling to New Life: